About Us
Madurai Charitable Trust is a service organization, based on human values, dedicated to assisting disadvantaged people in Southern India. Madurai Charitable Trust is a public, non-profit organization registered in India in March 2002. It is operated by a voluntary Board of Trustees and enlists the services of many professionals, free of charge.
Madurai Charitable Trust's Mission is to enact human values by giving service as an act of love to expand the awareness of all people acknowledging the Divinity of All.
Madurai Charitable Trust’s Activities raise awareness by assisting people to gain basic requirements for their lives. There are a number of services provided to encourage income sustainability, improve health and provide living support for many people in the rural areas and in Madurai itself.
Akash age care Home was started with the old aged people of the society in year 2003, in the past 21 years. the home has served about 100 old age people of the society by providing them food, accomodation and shelter at free of cost. About 8 staffs are there to look after the day to day needs of the inmates.
Furnished accommodation available for 45 residents, vegetarian food, regular doctor visits, basic medical equipments and all maintenance facilities including laundry and also a separate Prayer and Meditation Hall
We have a strong and dedicated core of volunteers who organize the activities, professionals provide time and expertise to projects.The communities/ service recipients are encouraged to participate, support and if appropriate, manage the projects. Madurai Charitable Trust is only 22 years old and already has many projects operating.

Judge murugesan

judge visit Akash Age care Home