Akash Hospice Home

Akash Hospice Home

This is yet another new project under MADURAI CHARITABLE TRUST, registered in 2002.

Address: 2/428, Shasthri Nagar, Kadachanendal to Othakkadai road (Off Alagarkoil road) Kadachanendal, Madurai – 625 107

Our Mission: We look after

1. Patients with Chronic illnesses who need 24 hours nursing care.

2. Patients suffering from incurable conditions like cancer, Paralysis etc

3. Terminally ill patients giving them quality of life and keep them free from pain and offer tender loving care.

4. The patients giving good food and comfortable stay

Our new hospice is situated at our Akash Home in Kadachanendal, 11 KM away from the city of Madurai.

We accomodaew both Male and Female for bed ridden people. At present we are taking care for 25 people in Akash Hospice with nursing care.

We offer them, in addition to nursing care, stress free atmosphere with spirituality, psychological help etc by experts and volunteers.



 Facilities at Akash Hospice & Palliative Care Center First Floor

Two Dormatory hall 

Kitchen & Dining room

Meeting hall

Toilets & Bath Rooms

Sponsor -A- Granny Programme  (HOSPICE)

Please participate in sponsoring a Granny by donating Rs. 20,000-/- (US $250 ) per month or Rs.240,000/- (US $ 3000) per year.

Sponsor-a-day Programme

Sponsoring a day's expenses at Akash Home by donating a sum of Rs.8,500/- (US $ 107 ) the donation may be sent to Madurai Charitable Trust.